claudia ungersbäck

fashion design school wiener neustadt

drawing classes at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

wiener kunstschule class for printmaking

animationcourses-studentships at academy of fine arts krakow

philosophy university of vienna, lectures at university of supplied arts vienna


old and new sketches, 3 paintings and some music in a bar, Cafe Zipp, Vienna 2020

Textkörper und Musikbilder, wienstation, Vienna, 2020

gesTrues - with dancetheatreperformance NEGOTIOATIONS by Alexander Gottfarb Tanzquartier Filiale Vienna 2019

LYSMF! Ateliertheater Vienna 2017

BADABOOM aa collection Vienna 2016

out of the blue aa collection Vienna 2014

group shows (selection):

ABSTRACTED, online exhibition - metaspacegallery, 2022/2024

Rock, Paper, Sissors, aa Collection, Vienna, 2023

Abstract Mind 2023, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, South Korea, 2023

Experimental Film and Video, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art CICA Museum, South Korea, 2022

this show is curated by a machine, Museum of Wild and Newfangled Art, New York- online platform international 2021

Aggregate Animated Shorts, Aggregate Space Gallery "Community Gallery" Oakland, US 2021

A Volatile Gaze, ] G A Z E [ , Shrewsbury, Great Britain, 2021

from analoge to digital, obition, Seoul, South Korea 2020

Visuelle Poesiegalerie, IG Architektur, Vienna 2020

Portrait 2020, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art CICA Museum, South Korea, 2020

Icon, Cover and Border, mmac Gallery, Barcelona, Spain, 2020

Self(ie) and the other: Portraiture, ph Gallery, Budapest, Hungary, 2020

F is For, Feminism and the Female Form, Hyperflexion Contemporary Art, Walmer, East Cape, South Africa, 2019

36th Austrian Graphic Art Competition group show, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, 2019

bright minds dark toughts, PARALELL, Vienna, 2018

bright minds dark thoughts, Spitzer (Odeon Theater), Vienna, 2018

philosophy unbound: "Die Banalität der Dinge" Spektakel, Vienna, 2017

Festival dreisechsfünf: Kaleidoskop Morgengrauen aa collection, Vienna 2017

5 years aa collection, aa collection Vienna, 2016

zum industriellen Weg aa collection Vienna, 2016

the anatomy of melancholy, Ateliertheater Vienna, 2016

GIRLS, Halb7 Vienna, 2015

kleine Lieblinge, Duette philomedia Vienna, 2015

ArtmArt, Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2010

ArtmArt, Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2008

ArtmArt, Künstlerhaus Vienna, 2007

Der Stein, Galerie am Park Vienna 2007

Scharfe Drucke, Offizin für Druckgraphik, Vienna 2006

Auf Aussenmontage, Austrian Consulat Krakow - Graphik Triennale, 2006

exit_06, Neustifthalle Vienna, 2006

1.Europäische Lithographietage, Steindruck München, 2005

Robert Schmitt-Druckgraphikpreis, kleine Galerie Vienna, 2005

Stradener Straßenspektakel Straden, 2004


lat. copiare - fisura, International Festival of experimental film and video, Mexico City, Mexico, 2024

INTER - The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, US, 2024

caprice x² - Istanbul Experimental Filmfestival, Istanbul, Turkey 2024

lat. copiare - Filmgarten Berlin, DE, 2024

INTER - Experimental, Dance, Music Filmfestival, LA/Toronto, 2023

lat. copiare - Experimental Film Fest, New Bern, North Carolina, US, 2023

lat. copiare - Maracay International Film and Videofestival, Venezuela, 2022

caprice x² - MicroActs London, United Kingdom, 2022

lat. copiare - VAST LAB Experimental, Los Angeles, CA, 2022

lat.copiare - Suspaustaslaikas Festival, Mo Muzicjus, Vilnius, LT, 2022

caprice x² - Experimental, Dance and Music Festival, Los Angeles, US, 2022

caprice x² - The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, United States, 2022

lat. copiare - Wicklow Screendance Laboratory, Wicklow, Ireland, 2022

caprice x² - United States Super 8 and Digital Video Festival, New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States, 2022

caprice x² - FESTIVAL FOTOGENIA Film Poetry & Divergent Narratives Festival, Mexico City, Mexico, 2021

lat. copiare - IN SHADOW Festival, Lisboa, Portugal, 2021

lat. copiare - The International Meeting on Videodance and Videoperformance -EIV, Valencia, Spain, 2021

and the Festival International de Vidéo Danse de Bourgogne FIVB Burgundy, France, 2021

lat. copiare - Dance and Media Arts Japan - International Dance Film Festival, Japan 2021

caprice x² - Aggegate Animated Shorts 5, Aggregate Space Gallery "Community Gallery", West Oakland, US, 2021

lat.copiare - Kino Likbez - XI, St. Petersburg, RU, 2021

lat. copiare - MicroActs Artist Film Screening, London, UK, 2021

lat. copiare - Video Sound Archive, Los Angeles, US 2021

lat.copiare - The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, New York, US 2021

lat. copiare - Experimental, Dance and Music Festval, Los Angeles, US 2021

lat. copiare - New Jersey Super 8 and DV Film Festival, New Brunswick, New Jersey, US 2021

lat. copiare - Festival Fotogenia, International Film Poetry and Divergent Film Narrtives Festival, Mexico City, 2020

lat. copiare - Sound and Vision International Film and Technology Festival, NY, US 2020

lat. copiare - 4th Annual Animated Shorts Film Festival, Aggregate Space Gallery, Oakland, CA, US 2020

febris nocturna - London Experimental Film Festival - UK, 2020

febris nocturna - official selection - frostbite international independend film festival - Colorado, US 2020

aus lat. copare - frostbite international independend film festival, Award, Colorado , US 2020

aus lat. copiare - International Digital Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria 2019

aus lat. copiare - esto es para esto Experimental Film Festival, Monterrey city, Mexico 2019

aus lat. copiare - Mobile Lantern exhibit, Milwaukee, US 2019

febris nocturna - ALC Video Art Festival, Alicante, Spain 2019

aus lat.copiare - The Chaffey Review Film Festival, California, US, 2019

aus lat. copiare - Festival Muestra international de videodanza y videoarte, Muestra Moviemento Audivisual, Guadalajara, Mexico 2018

test - Berlin Short Film Festival 2018

aus lat. copiare - Vienna Independend Film Festival 2017

aus lat. copiare - Tricky Women 2007

ohne worte - Ladyfest Wien 2004


Best Experimental Film: Experimental, Dance, Music Filmfestival: INTER

Best Experimental Film: Maracay International Film and Videofestival: lat. copiare

Best Sound and Music: Experimental, Music and Dance Festival, US: caprice x²

Honorable Mention: LA Underground Film Forum, CA - caprice x²

Honorable Mention: Experimental Forum, CA: caprice x²

Honorable Mention: New Jersey Super 8 and DV Film Festival: lat. copiare

Bronze Savvy Award Winner - lat. copiare - Sound and Vision International Film and Technology Festival: lat.copiare

Award for Best Experimental and Best Editing for the month of June - frostbite international independend film festival: lat. copiare